
          Simple flowers  have one sepal, petal, or stamen, while compound flowers normally have more, and the parts look like one single bloom. Simple flowers have one reproductive system, while compound flowers can have multiple reproductive systems.

Alstroemeria - Simple

Alstroemeria, otherwise known as peruvian lily and and Inca lily. Although these flowers only last a few weeks, they are beautiful and come in many different colors. These colors including yellow, orange, pink, red white, and purple. The prime blooming time is from early to mid-summer.


                                                                      Echinacea - Compound

Echinacea is native to North America. It was brought to the continent by Red Skins American Indians many years ago. It is used as medicine and is said to be "the most used immunity stimulant ". 


Kangaroo Paw - Compound

(picture credit:
One of our flowers that we will be using is called Kangaroo Paw. The vibrant red color of the flowers are because of very fine colored hairs that sometimes even grow along the stalk. Kangaroo paw mostly occur in Western Australia, in the South Western area. In the spring and summer, flowers begin to appear.


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