
Preparation for SEM:
1. Choose 3 different flowers. (2 simple, 1 compound)
2. Dehydrate flowers.
3. Disect each flower and locate pollen. After locating pollen…
4. Center carbon tabe on stub.
5. Use tweezers to make fiduciary marks on carbon tape. (These will help you to tell which pollen you are analyzing.)
6. Using a paint brush, carefully place pollen sample on carbon tape in between a certain set of fiduciary marks.  
7. Make a swirling motion with liquid air, starting from about 1.5 feet away working it to 3 inches away from the stub. Repeat this 2 times. 
8. Place stub securely in cup from SEM. 
9. Rotate the cup just enough to where the stub and pollen have disappeared from eye level with the cup. Then rotate the cup 4 clicks to the right. 
10. Carefully open SEM door and place cup inside. Look for green light. Then very carefully pull door down. 
11. Press "map" button on screen. 
12. To make a label on the photo, press "label" and include your plant name, period number, and the first initial of all teammates' names. 
13. To zoom photo on screen, turn the knob clockwise. 
14. To measure the photo, press "archive" and choose the measurement. 
15. When ready to capture a photo, press the "photo" button. 
16. When finished, press "eject" button. 
17. Open SEM door, pull out cup, and turn it clockwise until you are able to carefully pull out stub. Place cup on top of SEM. 

Using the Lieca Microscope: 
1. Using the Lieca EZ4 Microscope we examined Kangaroo Paw.
2. Focus photo and capture.
3. Photos should be 35x.

Scientific Names of Flowers: 
Echinacea Purpurea
Anigozanthos Manglesii 

How Pollen was Gathered:
Each flower was dehydrated and stored in a small plastic container. Then we used a thin 
paint brush to gather pollen from the container. Using the paint brush, we placed the pollen 
samples on the carbon tape. 

What We Are Looking For:
We want to know what the differences are between simple flower pollen and compound 
flower pollen. 

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