Data Analysis

Echinacea which is our first sample is a compound flower. This compound flower had monocolpate type pollen that was 33.1 micrometers  which was the smallest pollen structure we measured from our three samples. The pollens surface texture was Echinate.
Kangaroo paw was our second sample and was a compound flower as well. It's pollen had a size of 44.1 micrometers and also a monocolpate pollen type. Not the largest pollen structure we found but also not the smallest. The pollens surface texture was Verrucate.
Alstroemeria was our only simple flower and had the largest pollen structure we measured at 77.6 micrometers. As well as our other two samples this pollen had a monocolpate type. and a surface texture of Striate.
All of our samples had the same pollen type although we were unsure of the exact structure of the Echinacea due to the possibility of human error interpreting the pollen type of echinacea differently than it should be.
Our data was not 100% supportive of our hypothesis because all compound flowers and simple flowers pollen that we took data on all had the same type of pollen leading this to be inconclusive.

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